We are a grassroots partnership working to advocate on behalf of Missouri’s travel industry. We are a business-focused lead generator that provides cooperative sales & marketing initiatives. We are an industry-driven alliance that presents professional development and networking opportunities for our members. Our name reflects our strategic directive to serve our partners. We are an alliance. We are Missouri Travel Alliance. Benefits of membership in our organization include:
1) Relationships: Tourism is a relationship business. You’ll have ample opportunities for quality networking with travel and tourism professionals from all across Missouri that can serve as invaluable resources and sounding boards.
2) Sales Opportunities: At Missouri Travel Alliance’s sales events, you’ll build and develop relationships with new and existing customers. You can also book business at any one of our quality sales marketing events, such as Sports Travel Exchange, Group Travel Exchange, Missouri Event Summit and our Leisure Travel Trade Show at the Missouri State Fair. Our sales events mean stronger customer relationships and an increase in your company’s bottom line. The cost savings between what a member pays to attend one of our trade shows, as compared to a non-member is significant.
3) Legislative Advocacy: We’re a strong legislative voice. As a state agency, the Missouri Division of Tourism cannot legally advocate for itself before the Missouri General Assembly. We have taken a successful grass-roots approach to educating our state legislators about the importance of tourism. Missouri’s travel industry creates jobs, tax revenue and economic development. The greater the Division of Tourism’s marketing efforts, more visitors come to Missouri, which benefits all of us. More people spending nights in our hotels, eating in our restaurants, visiting our attractions, shopping in our stores, etc. We advocate for strong funding for the Missouri Division of Tourism, for legislative initiatives that will benefit our industry and against legislation that potentially could have a negative impact on our industry. Capitol Day for Tourism provides you with the perfect opportunity to meet with your state representatives and senator to let them know the impact that tourism has on your organization and on your community as a whole.
4) Professional Development: Missouri Travel Alliance offers two education workshops each year that provide invaluable information on a variety of tourism industry specific topics. These workshops also provide the perfect setting for invaluable networking opportunities.
5) Ongoing Communication: You’ll stay informed as Missouri Travel Alliance provides a weekly members-only enewsletter. The enewsletter provides you with insight into upcoming Missouri Travel Alliance events, interesting articles, links of interest and more. We also provide members with a weekly legislative enewsletter during the time that the Missouri legislature is in session (January – May).
6) Credibility: In existence since 1962, Missouri Travel Alliance is well-respected as Missouri’s oldest grassroots tourism organization. Members of Missouri Travel Alliance are valuable and visible parts of Missouri’s tourism team; a team comprised of all entities involved in tourism – from smaller family-owned operations to larger corporate entities – including lodging, attractions, shopping, casinos, houseboat rentals, marinas, associations, CVBs, Chambers, government, campgrounds, restaurants, wineries, communications, media, public relations, travel agencies, tour operators, receptive operators, transportation, miscellaneous firms and individuals.